OPRHP is dedicating up to $26 million to parks, historic preservation, and heritage areas through the CFA for the Environmental Protection Fund Program.
The Environmental Protection Fund Grant Program for Parks, Preservation and Heritage (EPF) offers up to $26 million in matching grants for the acquisition, planning, development, and improvement of parks, historic properties listed on the National or State Registers of Historic Places and heritage areas identified in approved plans for statutorily designated Heritage Areas. Funds are available to municipalities or not-for-profits with an ownership interest. The maximum award is $675,000.
The deadline for submission is 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, July 31, 2024.
View recorded informational webinars for grant programs available through the Consolidated Funding Application (CFA).
Please Note: OPRHP never requires a fee to apply for any of our grants.
State Parks, through state and federal funding sources, provides a number of grant programs. From historic preservation efforts to playgrounds and trail development, we provide grants to a variety of projects that promote recreation, preserve our historic and natural resources and generally improve the quality of life in communities throughout the state.
All applicants must use the Regional Economic Development Councils' online application process, the Consolidated Funding Application (CFA). The CFA is available through our website and the Governor's Regional Economic Development Councils website at http://regionalcouncils.ny.gov.
Regional Grants Administrators are available in the Agency's Regional offices to offer assistance with applications and program details.